Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I was asked if this BLOG is still up and I thought I would try and breathe life into it by posting again...but I have nothing new to say. We all (the lenders/investors) should have received the letter from John Cronin a couple of days ago saying that the trail is being put off while criminal investigation continues...this doesn't sound encouraging to me, especially when we get nothing from Mac to explain...
Mac, I will repeat myself...I would like to know what is going on. My money you hold (have spent) has a real use and to not keep me informed of the status is not helping my trust in you. If you cannot repay your debts as promised, at least you could offer me some information. That is free.
I also would be encouraged to hear that you are employed and working in some capacity to honor some of your debt. It doesn't feel like this would be asking too much. If I cannot expect this, then what can I expect? Please offer something.