Sunday, August 1, 2010

Re. Petition

I just finished reading Mac’s eloquent letter to us (of 7/26). I tried “reply all” but my computer didn’t like that... If you (will) send it to the group, please do.

I am so stunned, I’m almost at a loss for words. But not quite.

That Horace is taking these steps for a film he was a hired contractor for, blows my mind. Completely. It is a wholly traitorous act, not to mention reeking of an ego on steroids. That he has convinced others that he has a leg to stand on I find equally astonishing. That they are taking it to such extremes as legal action I find selfish to the point of absurdity. Where is the voice of reason in all this? Where is the sense of common purpose? How do those joining Horace think he’s going to get their money back any faster or better than Mac can, whose dream this is, not Horace’s?????

I always try to stay out of judgment, and obviously in this instance I’m failing miserably. But this news of actions against Mac and his family, so injurious to an already tumultuous situation, begs for a response of higher wisdom, sanity & reason. So I make that attempt now.

I sit here and all I can do is shake my head. I’m dumbfounded. I urge any of you on this list who may be in Horace’s “group” to please, please, go into a period of quiet reflection and meditate on this course you are on; look at the ripple effects of these actions. Look at the effects they will have on so many, down the road. Please, please, go to your Higher Self and take a really good look from that Higher perspective and ask yourself—if you were in Mac’s position, how would this feel, how would this look, to you? These actions will have irrevocable repercussions—make sure you can own all of it before you go any further. Make sure you are coming from that higher place, with egos, personal agendas and attachments set aside, before you take any steps that can only cause more hurt and pain, to a family who has already endured so much. Please, I beg you.

~Marna Ehrech

The above post refers to "Lenders Update #20 from Mac" - read below
Hello, Everyone,

As some of you are aware, Horace Williams has been meeting recently with a group of lenders, apparently with the intention of taking over Birth of Innocence. Horace and this group hope to gain total control of the film, to have Horace complete it without my involvement, and bring this version of Birth of Innocence to market. They even appear ready to take aggressive legal action against me to accomplish this takeover. I have not heard directly from this group – but other lenders have been contacting me about this.

I want to say from the start that if I need to surrender Birth of Innocence, either because that is what’s best for lenders, or because I am forced to, I will. My guiding principle, as always, is that whatever path we take leads to each and every one of you being fully repaid. I am, however, concerned by the proposals being advanced by this group – and by their approach.

I have offered repeatedly to meet with them to hear their concerns, answer any questions they have, discuss their ideas and plans, etc. They have thus far refused. But with Horace’s encouragement and help, they are taking unilateral and precipitous steps that could further jeopardize the successful completion of this film, and my ability to repay your loans.

People continue to alert me that Horace is telling a series of half-truths and outright falsehoods about me – and my relationship to this project – apparently to advance his own agenda. And they ask me why I am not setting the record straight. One of his claims is that I am somehow disengaged from this project, even that I have “given up” on it. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am constantly engaged with all aspects of the successful resolution of our situation, including the completion of the film. Horace’s assertion that he is somehow the real force behind this film is so startlingly bizarre to me (and self-serving) that I have hesitated to even respond. However, his agenda seems to be gaining traction with at least some people, and posing potentially harmful consequences for others. At this point, it would be irresponsible for me not to address it.

I have spent literally thousands of hours researching, writing, and refining the script for Birth of Innocence. I spent another two years with Marlboro Productions carefully planning and shooting every frame of film – and preparing the beautiful marriage between film footage and script that I envisioned. This was long before I hired Horace to provide his technical skills for the next stage of post-production. I have lived and breathed this project for ten years now – the film, the financing, the network of people involved, and the spiritual life underlying it all.

As for the editing, I worked with Horace in the studio on every major sequence we edited, and I was always the final decision maker. The few short sequences I allowed him to edit by himself were always subject to my final approval, and always required significant changes.

For the last three years, I have been dealing with intense financial pressures, as Lou Soteriou kept deferring the large payments he was promising to make to repay lenders and complete the film. I was determined to fulfill my commitments to lenders in spite of this, so I worked 16-18 hours a day, 7 days a week to keep up with people’s needs during this stressful time (and I never missed a paycheck to Horace). Clearly, trusting Lou so deeply was a serious misjudgment on my part, but this never lessened my commitment to this project, or to any of you, as Horace now claims.

The reason I ended Horace’s employment on Birth of Innocence this spring was because I believed that his aggressive sense of entitlement was increasingly taking from the project instead of contributing to it, and every attempt I made to address this with him was met with stubborn resistance. To me, his actions since that time confirm the need for this parting of ways. This situation has been deeply troubling for me. I have considered Horace a friend and have made every effort to treat him well in all aspects of our work together over the years. I had hoped for this to be cleanly resolved long ago.

Again, if it is time for me to step aside for the greater good of our situation, as some in this group are insisting, I will gracefully do so. Whatever happens from here, I feel you deserve to have a clear statement from me.

If you are concerned about this situation, I would suggest that you make your voice heard. Horace and this group are on the march, and this is an important time for us all to decide if we want to go in the direction they are headed.

Meanwhile, some additional news…

1) I have been working to establish a “Lender Hardship Fund” to help repay those of you who can’t afford to wait until the film is completed and marketed. To raise money for this fund (which must come through donations only, due to BISHCA’s restrictions), I will begin “telling our story” in a much wider and more public way than I have been advised to do until now. This will include public presentations, interviews on radio and TV, as well as “coffees” – talks with small groups of friends and neighbors in someone’s living room (I have already done a few of these). It will also involve creating a dynamic, broad-based internet presence. I have been actively meeting with people planning how to implement this. If you are doubtful that anyone would respond to this kind of appeal, consider for a moment that we raised almost $90,000 in less than a month for legal fees (hardly anyone’s favorite cause), with no internet or public campaign at all – just phone calls and personal appeals. The greater story of Birth of Innocence is compelling: hundreds of honest people trusting in a film project about the deeper truth of who we are, and overcoming major obstacles, fears and violations to bring the project to life. This is a story that can touch and appeal to people on many levels, and I believe that the potential for support – including financial support -- is as great as we are willing to make it. This “Lender Hardship Fund” is an initiative that can begin now, as it does not need to wait for the film to be completed. To be very clear, this fund and strategy are not intended as a replacement for completing and marketing the film, only as an additional, more immediate source of revenue for lenders with pressing needs.
2) I have been meeting extensively with Bill Kinzie, a filmmaker and editor for National Geographic, strategizing the best approach for completing the film. Bill was initially enthusiastic about being the new editor, and we had begun work on a plan to include the “story around the story” in a package with Birth of Innocence. Bill expressed his conviction that this would not only make our film stronger, but also more commercially successful. Recently, however, Bill decided that the legal situation creates too great a risk for him. While he remains excited about the project – and our story – his participation is limited until the legal case is resolved. He offered to meet with Mike Bertrand, the new commissioner of BISHCA, to outline the business plan we had come up with, to see if this could help motivate BISHCA to settle the case. Christopher White tried to set up this meeting, but Mike Bertrand refused to meet with them. So, another crossroads…
3) I am continuing to focus on creating the best and most successful ways to complete the film. Whether a refined version of Birth of Innocence as it currently exists, or a larger package including the “story around the story,” the film is a beautiful creation to offer the world, and a major asset for repaying all of you.

My preference would be for all of us to pull together to resolve our common situation. To me, this is the most powerful, hopeful, and effective fulfillment of our story. But real unity can only come from each person’s individual choice. I know that some of you have grown weary and frustrated – even angry – with me and with this process. I don’t blame you, and I sincerely apologize for any hardship or anxiety you are experiencing. Yet I do believe that we are in the midst of an extraordinary story, and that if we can remain true to the power and the spirit that have always been behind it, our trust and our innocence will ultimately be supported.

I had a very good conversation last night with one lender, a woman I didn’t even know before Birth of Innocence, but who has since become a dear and trusted friend. At one point she said, “It seems like there have been a lot of hardships, but there have always been at least as many miracles to meet them.”

To me, it’s an ongoing miracle that we have come this far. Perhaps the greatest miracle can be all of us pulling through it together. That’s what I continue to work – and pray – for.


P.S. On Monday, August 2nd at 1:30 pm, there will be a hearing at the Washington County Courthouse (on State Street in Montpelier) on Wanda’s “Motion for Summary Judgment.” If the judge agrees with Wanda’s argument, he could effectively dismiss this case on the grounds that these are personal loans, not securities. It appears that the disaffected lenders group will be there. If you would like to come to show your support, I would be grateful for your presence. Thank you.