Many of the investors/lenders in this saga have been or will be contacted by Susan as the trial of Lou comes closer. I want others to know of my meeting.
First, I would like to say - I stay involved because I care. I care about everyone involved in this horrible real life story. I will do whatever I can to help get to the truth that both Mac and Lou hold between them.
I do not pretend to know what cannot be backed up in the absence of facts. I do have my opinion, but with no intent to convince others. I just speak it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I remain highly disappointed that years have past and we still have not been provided the full story.
I know Susan from another case I was a part of and have a good deal of respect for her. I met Steve for the first time yesterday. I find them both genuine and caring. I am fully aware that they work to defend Lou. That is their job. In our meeting I never felt they were manipulating me.
I answered their questions distinguishing what I knew as fact from what was opinion. I do not think I gave them any more understanding than they didn't already have. They will likely meet again with me as our time ran out.
I expressed frustration over not having answers to where 3 million dollars ended up over 10 years - $300,000/yr. I was led to beleive the answer could lie in a high lifestyle which Lou was accostomed to living as a chiropractor. But chiropractors typically do not make even 1/2 that amount...And Lou has nothing to show for it - no homes, no vehicles, no evidence of travels or any other possible evidence of spending over $800/day for a decade. The wife suddenly broke relations at the time that BISCHA got involved and I have yet to hear if anyone has been able to speak with her. Susan says she has tried 4 times with no success. I questioned about the possiblity of a cult...or money being buried somewhere...
The bottom line is that this story still has a lot of holes. The holes could be filled with craziness between two people, but those are big holes. It is very difficult for sane people to wrap their minds around that degree of crazy.