I assume everyone is aware of the federal investigation underway regarding Mac's handling of our money and his relationship with Lou. I believe that because I was one of the lenders that Mac collected money from in the last month of his fund raising I was subpoenaed to testify in front of a Grand Jury this past Thursday. I was first questioned at length by the prosecuting attorney who very clearly has much of the details surrounding Mac and Lou and appears to me quite capable and intent on indicting Mac. I don't want to say much here in a Blog, but it is evident to me now how serious Mac is in trouble.
I do feel responsible to keep our group informed with whatever I think we all have a right to know. Fundamentally, it is our money that is the focal point of Mac and his legal trouble. I wish common sense and decency to prevail with Mac coming forward to speak the whole truth, the judicial system to recognize the truth and apply the law in consideration of all people affected (Mac, his family, us...), Mac to accept the consequences and hopefully full resolution and restitution...sooner than later.