Friday, February 15, 2013

Accounting Record Released

I just spent an hour skimming over the 4MB attachment sent to me through email recording all known money that Mac's received and paid out. First off, I have to say, it is a small world and many names in this efile I know personally. There are a lot of very good, smart, kind people swept up in this drama.
My head is spinning in trying to wrap my head around the amount of money that went through Mac's hands. I see it highly likely that Mac became desensitized to the lenders/investors plight from handling hundreds of thousands of dollars each week for years! What is $80,000. to Mac in feelings. I sincerely doubt that he can appreciate the magnitude of loss.
I suggest you all get your hands on a copy of this document and verify the accuracy in each of your individual cases. I will get the name and contact number of who we should all call to either confirm the numbers or challenge. It would speed the legal process up if we all contacted the person verifying instead of waiting for a call.
I am developing a lot of questions and cannot fully articulate them in this post, but inconsistencies abound. It appears some got paid without putting a penny in. Some no doubt are considered hired to do work for the movie, but not all. There was $34K paid to a funeral home. I don't think anyone died in the filming :-)
There are some lenders/investors that did get very rich - much more paid out than put in, while others have gotten nothing.
There is a pile of money recorded going in and out with no connection to a person or business.
You can see the money pouring out to Lou from 1999 - to November of 2009, thousands at a time. In one day, there were two payments to Lou for $11K. It wasn't like Lou was paid on any schedule - but rather haphazard and many days one right after another!
As a business person myself, I am looking at nothing shy of bizarre.  It appears that Mac ran a multi-dollar business with absolutely no consideration to even basic business practices. It makes no sense. I have yet to hear any satisfying explanation to how one person could so tragically fail.
I would love to continue the dialog.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Meeting with Steve (Public Defender of Lou) and Susan (Investigator working with Steve)

Many of the investors/lenders in this saga have been or will be contacted by Susan as the trial of Lou comes closer. I want others to know of my meeting.
First, I would like to say - I stay involved because I care. I care about everyone involved in this horrible real life story. I will do whatever I can to help get to the truth that both Mac and Lou hold between them.
I do not pretend to know what cannot be backed up in the absence of facts. I do have my opinion, but with no intent to convince others. I just speak it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I remain highly disappointed that years have past and we still have not been provided the full story.
I know Susan from another case I was a part of and have a good deal of respect for her. I met Steve for the first time yesterday. I find them both genuine and caring. I am fully aware that they work to defend Lou. That is their job. In our meeting I never felt they were manipulating me.
I answered their questions distinguishing what I knew as fact from what was opinion. I do not think I gave them any more understanding than they didn't already have. They will likely meet again with me as our time ran out.
I expressed frustration over not having answers to where 3 million dollars ended up over 10 years - $300,000/yr. I was led to beleive the answer could lie in a high lifestyle which Lou was accostomed to living as a chiropractor. But chiropractors typically do not make even 1/2 that amount...And Lou has nothing to show for it - no homes, no vehicles, no evidence of travels or any other possible evidence of spending over $800/day for a decade. The wife suddenly broke relations at the time that BISCHA got involved and I have yet to hear if anyone has been able to speak with her. Susan says she has tried 4 times with no success. I questioned about the possiblity of a cult...or money being buried somewhere...
The bottom line is that this story still has a lot of holes. The holes could be filled with craziness between two people, but those are big holes. It is very difficult for sane people to wrap their minds around that degree of crazy.

Monday, September 10, 2012


"Mac’s trust in Lou Soteriou was so deep, so absolute, and in hindsight so blind that Mac did not stop believing in him until Soteriou disappeared...Only then did Mac start to realize the depth of his mistakes and delusion....Mac continued to believe in the integrity of what he was doing, long after common sense should have told him otherwise... "  Statement from John Pacht, Mac's Attorney 04/11/2012
I    I was planning on writing a more extensive update, but I am emotionally drained from a recent email exchange with Mac. I am tired. I am tired of this debacle having such a negative affect on so many people's lives. I tired of waiting for some sign of hope. I am tired of Mac droning on and on how he cares and how hard he works. I am tired of Macs animosity toward me as I attempt to get to the truth and help him and the lenders...

My intent now… after years of defending Mac, both personally amongst friends, other lenders, people in the community and to the various investigators and prosecuting entities and to the grand jury... essentially giving him time to prove himself and opportunity to start paying back his debt... I plan to recommend to the court that Mac be removed from society as a part of the consequences to face. While this decision has created a higher level of animosity towards me and does not help in paying back his lenders, I think it necessary to help break the delusion and allow for some sense of justice. If I believed there were any chance of Mac righting his wrongs through the course he is on, I would think otherwise. I think it is time to get real.

I think about Sophia and my heart aches as she is the most sweet and innocent of victims in this. I don’t want her to see her father in jail, but worse yet is for her to think that her parent could act in such a manner…illegally and unethically…and have it be “ok”. It is seriously NOT ok. The spread of delusion needs to end.

The truth is that this movie was the birth of delusion and deceit… not innocence. It has become like the ring in the Lord of the Rings – this "precious” has an gotten a bizarre grip over people leading only to terrible ruin. Ruin of relationships, finances, time… on multiple levels – personally and for our state of Vermont and even on a federal level. Millions upon millions has been squandered, hundreds of thousands more continue to be spent through hard earned tax money on a state and federal level in legal pursuit.

Mac's other creative ventures - the book series - can bring in some money, but not even close to millions. Mac can write in jail...maybe even easier with less distractions...

On a very personal level - I think of what good my $80K could have brought and instead wasted… it makes me sick. I am not mad as I choose to not go least not for very long. But I do not blame others for getting mad. I just want my involvement in this craziness to do some good…somehow. For me, I want in part, to shine a light on delusion.  Being human, we all suffer from delusion to some degree, but what we are witnessing in this, is delusion at a dangerous level. I hope that somehow this ordeal, will allow us opportunity to learn from it and as a society find ways to identify and treat it sooner… It is crazy to live a life in delusion. It is even greater madness for us to not deal with it for what it is.

The following can indicate a delusion:[6]
1.    The patient expresses an idea or belief with unusual persistence or force.
2.    That idea appears to exert an undue influence on the patient's life, and the way of life is often altered to an inexplicable extent.

What I believe happened with Lou and Mac is a shared delusion. There is a medical definition for this as well.

This is what I received back from Mac today:

" in my experience with you, your capacity for clear self-reflection and civil behavior is shockingly limited."

Friday, February 3, 2012

Mac has launced a New Website

Hello, Everyone,

I want to welcome you to my new website:

I am truly sorry for having to be out of touch for so long.  I would have preferred to be in regular contact with you during this difficult time, but this has not been possible.  You are in my thoughts and efforts daily, and I am glad to have something I can share with you now.

The primary purpose of this website is to generate revenue toward repayment of lenders to the BIRTH OF INNOCENCE film project.

This website is only one step, but much care and creative effort have gone into it.  We've set it up so we can post news of additional steps as we take them.

On the site, you will find:
  **information about a new novel I have just finished writing, RARE EARTH
  **a new trailer for BIRTH OF INNOCENCE
  **special digital downloads of LET'S GO TO THE FARM and FARM STORIES FOR FAMILIES
  **a status blog, where I can post entries
  **additional features and information

I hope you will visit soon at  And, if you are so inclined, please help us spread the word...

Thank you.


Friday, May 6, 2011

Horace and Sunset Films

I am opening up a fresh comment thread to discuss Horace's work and intent. You can find what Horace proposes in the post on "Greed". Horace - feel free to re-post under this new title. I would suggest using your name to post a comment instead of  "anonymous", as clearly you wish to be identified.

Personally, I am just one lender and I only represent myself with my comments. My interest is in recovering the monies Mac owes. How this money is recovered is second to that. I am not a fan of the movie I previewed a couple years ago, but I don't need to be if there is enough of a market to sell to.
If Horace can start selling to pay back monies owed and Mac is still free to do his own film, then I am all for it. My support is not to be considered an endorsement of Horace or the film. I won't get involved in the personal relationship between Horace and Mac. I do care about both people, individually, and appreciate the conflict that exists. It is understandable...we are indeed all human, not God... but for their sake, I hope when opportunity does come... and strength is there... that forgiveness, grace and love will find a way back in.

Relationships are all that really matter in life.

I encourage others to voice their perspective and I will set up another poll to help identify our collective opinion.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I have heard a number of lenders refer to their "greed" as somehow playing a part in our dilemma. Know first that 20% interest on an unsecured loan is not high. I have money borrowed from my brother, for my business, under that same amount of interest, compounded annually. It is not unheard of to have over 30% interest on credit card balances. So get out of your head that expecting Mac to pay 20% on our money is greedy. It is not.
Second of all, even if one feels that they were expecting more than they deserve, it doesn't effect the situation we find ourselves in. The lenders have absolutely no fault here...lenders have done nothing wrong. Thinking otherwise is like a victim thinking that a crime is somehow their fault. That is not healthy thinking.
Mac is 100% responsible, both for the trouble he is in and for our loans not being paid back at this time. The financial agreement is between us as individuals and Mac, no one else. Mac should not shift blame to his lenders in any way shape or form nor should we as lenders accept blame.
And it is normal to feel anger, fear, sadness. For many of us, the monies not being available to us and with no real end of hardship in sight - hurts - plain and simple. This is a natural consequence and Mac must accept this. To not accept it is like hurting lenders twice over.

Monday, March 7, 2011

My thoughts...

I've been asked to get back on the blog and share my thoughts. I am glad to do so, but I really want to see more people sharing their thoughts...

I did meet with Mac recently and strongly encouraged him to speak directly, openly and honestly with his lenders. I told Mac that I would appreciate monthly reports, from him and not through anyone else, and that the reports be kept business in nature. I specified what would be helpful in reports such as work in progress, work to be done, projections, time table...and I told Mac what would not be helpful such as his commentary.

Horace has his ideas for finishing this film as well. They appear to me well formed, but not being in the film business, I cannot give an opinion. I do know that Horace would need to get the film out of Mac's control/ownership and I don't see how that could or would happen. This is the one thing (and most important bit of detail) missing from Horace's plan.

Mac appears to have his plan in motion, but there remains the legal problems. Could the film be completed if Mac becomes preoccupied with his legal battles and possibly in jail?

I am one that finds no value in the drama surrounding this film production. I am choosing to remain involved in a business-like manner. I understand why there are a lot of emotions flying around, but I don't want to be pulled in emotionally. I simply want the money I gave to Mac to be paid back. I am guessing that most of the lenders feel as I do.

I eagerly await the next report from Mac and/or Horrace.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Testified in Front of Grand Jury

I assume everyone is aware of the federal investigation underway regarding Mac's handling of our money and his relationship with Lou. I believe that because I was one of the lenders that Mac collected money from in the last month of his fund raising I was subpoenaed to testify in front of a Grand Jury this past Thursday. I was first questioned at length by the prosecuting attorney who very clearly has much of the details surrounding Mac and Lou and appears to me quite capable and intent on indicting Mac. I don't want to say much here in a Blog, but it is evident to me now how serious Mac is in trouble.
I do feel responsible to keep our group informed with whatever I think we all have a right to know. Fundamentally, it is our money that is the focal point of Mac and his legal trouble. I wish common sense and decency to prevail with Mac coming forward to speak the whole truth, the judicial system to recognize the truth and apply the law in consideration of all people affected (Mac, his family, us...), Mac to accept the consequences and hopefully full resolution and restitution...sooner than later.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I was asked if this BLOG is still up and I thought I would try and breathe life into it by posting again...but I have nothing new to say. We all (the lenders/investors) should have received the letter from John Cronin a couple of days ago saying that the trail is being put off while criminal investigation continues...this doesn't sound encouraging to me, especially when we get nothing from Mac to explain...
Mac, I will repeat myself...I would like to know what is going on. My money you hold (have spent) has a real use and to not keep me informed of the status is not helping my trust in you. If you cannot repay your debts as promised, at least you could offer me some information. That is free.
I also would be encouraged to hear that you are employed and working in some capacity to honor some of your debt. It doesn't feel like this would be asking too much. If I cannot expect this, then what can I expect? Please offer something.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Accounting to BISCHA?

I was hoping that Mac met his obligation to the court in providing BISCHA with all the remaining accounting. That was due Sept 3rd. Does anyone know? Does anyone else care to know? I would like a simple accounting to feel more comfortable that someone/anyone has a grip on what has happened and is happening financially. Sums in payments out (interest, movie production, personal, Lou,other?). I would think that Mac can provide this info to us now that BISCHA has it?
The November hearing being 2 months away, is a long wait for information...